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Bubble Tea Magazine 英國學生雜誌



歡迎大家收看全新改頭換面的Bubble Tea Magazine!!! 經過英國各省、台灣以至香港讀者各方面的意見,再加上有讀者們在看過第一期Whitby 旅遊篇後,跟我們說真的跟著Bubble Tea Magazine 去了Whitby品嚐「全英國最好味Fish & Chips」大讚好玩又好吃的熱烈反應。Bubble Tea Magazine 決定從今期開始推出一系列就連很多本土英國人也不知的英國旅遊生活資訊,以不同倫敦地鐵和英國火車站出發把英國每一個有趣的角落一一介紹給大家! 好讓你們可以邊在英國留學,邊體驗英國最獨特有趣,最不可錯過的每一個地方!


你準備好品嚐一杯Bubble Tea Magazine了沒?


Hong Kong and Taiwan university students in UK gathers up and created BUBBLE TEA MAGAZINE --
a magazine that reveals alternative places to hang out in London and other cities, besides reviewing events, news, information and life style of how to fully enjoy a fruitful student life here in UK. Don't forget to follow our Facebook page and keep track on all the latest news in UK! 
Ready for your first sip of Bubble Tea Mag yet? 
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